
Level 4 Data summaries and links to related documents and reports

Key findings

Rainfall over the 14 month sampling period was 2972 mm. The measured drainage was 1215 mm (s.e. 86) but this was an underestimate of actual drainage as the sample traps were full after 7 drainage events. NOx-N concentrations were between 0.4 and 23 mg/L (mean 4.1 mg/L). The total loss of NOx-N was 113 kg N/ha, which was equivalent to 38% of the N fertiliser applied during this period. The maximum loss at 1 sampling event was in April 2005 was 12 kg N and occurred after an application of 30 kg N. This evet was associated with 300 mm of rain.

Concentrations of NH4-N were generally low (mean 0.04 mg/L) and consequently NH4-N loads in the lysimeters were low (<0.2 kg/ha). Concentrations of FRP were also generally low (mean 0.03 mg/L).

Key tables and figures extracted from data, literature and miscellaneous publications.

Various clippings

Tully Report


Level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 5