
Is there as sustainable system for pineapple farming?

Level 1 General description


This study monitored hydrology and soil erosion over a range of slope lengths (rows) (80-120 m lengths) and treatment practices to identify parameters to design sustainable production systems in pineapple farming.

Methods (brief)

Three treatments were implemented, including:

  1. A conventional farmer up and down the slope treatment;
  2. Tied ridges to hold up to 20 mm of runoff; and
  3. Mulch (35 t/ha) was placed in the furrows

Key findings (brief)

Soil loss was greatest during the first twelve months in all treatments. The mulch treatments recorded the lowest soil loss (0.3-0.4 t/ha), while all conventional treatments recorded soil losses over 10 t/ha.


Beerwah Pineapple Research Farm Lat 26° 56’ 0.17’’S, Long 152° 57’ 18.97’’E

Related studies

Buchanan's farm at Goomboorian is Lat 26° 3’ 26.97’’S, Long 152° 47’ 39.71’’E

Ray Walker’s farm at Imbil is Lat 26° 27’ 42.59’’S, Lon 152° 40’ 42.45’’E

Capelin MA, Truong PN 1985. Soil erosion within pineapple fields in south-east Queensland.

Level 2 Detail of experimental conditions (what might be found in a journal paper or project brief in Hydstra)

None available

Level 3 Detail of experimental conditions and observations (what might be found in field datasheets and links in databases)

No formal datasets available

Level 4 Data summaries and links to related documents and reports

Golden Circle report

Level 5 Data summaries and links to related documents and reports

Not at this stage