
Erosion and productivity of vegetable systems on sloping volcanic ash-derived Philippine soils (Poudel et al., 1999).

Level 1 General description


To identify appropriate management practices for sloping intensified vegetable systems on the Phillippines.

Methods (brief)

This study monitored runoff, soil and nutrients under four 4 management practices:

  1. Contouring;
  2. Strip cropping;
  3. High-value contour hedgerows; and
  4. Traditional up-and-down system

Key findings

Traditional up-and-down system recorded the greatest runoff, soil and nutrient loss of the four treatments, while the remaining three treatments recorded comparative values.


The field experiments were conducted in Victory in Manupali watershed, Philippines. 124º47E AND 7º57N.

Related studies

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Level 2, level 3, level 4 and level 5